Wednesday, August 3, 2016


So, living in Florida, I don't get to see things such as mountains often. The closest I got before this trip was a random cloud formation I saw once walking home. This picture was taken while the car was still moving because we couldn't find a place to stop but I needed the picture so bad. Maybe next month I'll put post the picture that I should've had someone holding me while I took.

Anyway, this is still Yellowstone. Haven't been able to get much from around me because of rain and lack of places I haven't already been so nothing looks too big or special to me now... I'm trying to get some poems written, but I need to try to save some for a project I plan for the future.

Will post what artsy thing I've been working on lately soon though, the pictures are all on my phone.

Hope you all are having a great day, thanks for visiting my small art corner.